Cathy Booth


Cathy is thrilled to be a Trustee of Friends of the Vox as she is particularly passionate about making music accessible to all.

Cathy graduated with a degree in English Literature and worked in London with an international maritime, oil and gas organisation where she developed extensive senior management experience leading the safety, quality and corporate governance functions within the UK and internationally. 

Before leaving the workplace, she remembers attending a pre-retirement seminar where the tutor exhorted attendees to include four key elements in the next phase of their life: physical, learning, socialising and mindfulness. Having previously sung with choirs when she was a student, Cathy decided that taking singing lessons and joining local choral societies would fulfil most of these elements and she is amazed at how much this has transformed her life! Cathy loves the challenge of learning new music and techniques, singing in different languages and the sense of wellbeing when making music with others.

Cathy Booth