Emerging Composers 2024 - A Call for Scores

In support of emerging composers around the world, Friends of the Vox is thrilled to announce this inaugural event in collaboration with the Music of Dan Forrest.

We invite emerging composers, of any age, to submit a new work to Friends of the Vox.

The compositions will be adjudicated by James Meaders (Founder and Artistic Director, Vox Anima London) and Dan Forrest (Composer). The winning works will be premiered and recorded by Vox Anima Chamber Choir, and the winners will receive individual feedback from Dan Forrest. There are also monetary prizes available for the top 3 scores: £1,000, £500 and £250 respectively.

The title "Emerging Composers" is intended to allow potential participants to "self-select." The parameters are broad and designed to include as many people as possible, so the composer has the complete freedom to form a definition of "emerging." The title is not meant to limit but to include a large cross-section of the composer population.

Submissions are now closed. Winners will be notified on 2 September 2024.

For further details and submission information, please see below.

    1. Emerging Composers 2024 is open to composers of any nationality and age.

    2. Entrants should submit an original composition, scored for treble voices, either unison, SA, SSA, or SSAA. Arrangements are not eligible.

    3. The work may be accompanied or unaccompanied.

    4. The work must be three to six minutes in length based on a metronome marking given at the head of the composition.

    5. The composer may choose the text; however, all copyrights must be observed and settings of any copyrighted text must be accompanied by written permission of the copyright holder for this composition.

    6. Scores may be handwritten or computer-set but must be suitable for performance without further typesetting. Recordings will not be considered by the adjudicators - please do not submit these with your composition.

    7. Only one application per composer will be considered.

    8. Entries must not bear the name of the composer; instead, a pseudonym (or a random code of letters/numbers) should be used. The submission form and email address will be monitored by an external administrator; only the scores will be seen by members of the panel when adjudicating.

  • Submissions for Emerging Composers are now closed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.

    1. A prize fund is available. It will be allocated as follows:

      • 1st Place £1000

      • 2nd Place £500

      • 3rd Place £250

    2. The winning three entrants will have their work premiered and recorded by Vox Anima Chamber Choir.

    3. The winning three entrants will receive individualised feedback from Dan Forrest.

    1. The work must be original and the entry form signed with the written guarantee that it is solely the work of the composer.

    2. The work must not have had a public performance, nor a recording that is publicly available (whether commercial or not), nor a broadcast of any sort. The work may not have been published or self-published.

    3. The compositions will be judged by James Meaders (Founder and Artistic Director, Vox Anima London) & Dan Forrest (Composer).

    4. The winners will be notified on 2 September 2024.

    5. The adjudicators reserve the right to withhold prizes. In all matters relating to the competition the decision of the adjudicators is final.

    6. Personal details on the entry form will be processed according to the Data Protection Act 2018.

    7. The winning entrants are expected to take part in post-competition publicity and to agree to their names being made publicly known.

    8. The winning entrants must grant permission to Friends of the Vox to make the first recording of the winning pieces with Vox Anima Chamber Choir and to perform the works in public for no extra fee.

Our adjudicators

  • Dan Forrest


  • James Meaders