Remembering Friends of the Vox in your Will will inspire future generations of musicians.

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a legacy is one of the simplest and most flexible ways of making a gift and allows you to support Friends of the Vox in a way in which you may not be able to do during your lifetime. The tax benefits of a legacy gift are considerable – all such bequests can be made free from Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax, so you could reduce the total tax burden levied on your estate to your family.

Bequests can be made directly to Friends of the Vox (registered charity number 1200317), or we would be very happy to discuss a specific project that you would like to direct your gift towards.

If you have already written your Will and wish to include a gift to Friends of the Vox, you can make an addition by including a codicil, or note of amendment, to your existing Will. If you have already made a gift naming Friends of the Vox as a beneficiary and are happy to inform us of your intention to pledge, please let us know by email, or using our online legacy pledge form.

Our ambition to inspire and promote community through choral music, and to support and provide a platform for young and contemporary musicians can only be achieved through the generosity of our supporters. Every contribution is greatly appreciated and by leaving a legacy you are ensuring that we can continue to make a difference through our work and leave an indelible mark on the music world and future generations.

If you would like any more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at