Upper Voices Festival 2024

Saturday 9 November 2024 | St Peter’s Church Eaton Square, London
Calling all Upper Voice singers and ensembles - join Friends of the Vox for our innovative and collaborative festival in the heart of London.

Led by Charles Béquignon-MacDougall and Emily Dickens, this Festival will be the perfect opportunity for singers and ensembles to develop their technique, work with our renowned workshop leaders on exciting repertoire by contemporary composers, and to collaborate with other upper voice singers and ensembles.

The day will centre on Kim André Arnesen’s moving “Stabat Mater” and will also workshop the top entry from our Emerging Composers 2024 scheme. The day will culminate in an informal joint concert.

You can find out more details below, and sign up here.

We look forward to welcoming you to what will be an inspiring day!

  • All treble voice singers and Upper Voice ensembles (6-30 singers) should join us for this day festival.

    Repertoire will be assigned in advance of the workshop and we would expect all pieces to be prepared to concert standard.

  • Date: Saturday 9 November 2024 | Venue: St Peter’s Church Eaton Square


    09.00 - 09.30 Arrival & Registration
    09.30 - 13.00 Workshop 1 (with a break)
    13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
    14.00 - 17.00 Workshop 2 (with a break)
    17.00 - 18.00 Break
    18.00 - 19.00 Concert

  • The workshop and concert will centre on Kim André Arnesen’s “Stabat Mater”. Our core choir, Vox Anima Chamber Choir, will perform this work at the evening concert (the UK premiere) with our workshop participants joining for two movements.

    This year, Friends of the Vox launched Emerging Composers 2024 - a call for scores for upper voices from composers. The top composition will be workshopped during this day.

    More repertoire will be announced closer to the date, and will feature composers such as Sarah Quartel, Eleanor Daley, Alexandra Olsavsky, and Cecilia McDowall.

    Your registration fee includes the cost of the score for Stabat Mater by Kim André Arnesen.

  • The cost of the workshop day is £50 per singer. This includes your entry, refreshments during the breaks (excluding lunch), and your Kim Arnesen score.

    If you would like to sign up and pay instalments, please email us directly to discuss options.

    Bursary places are available, so please also contact us directly.

  • You can register for our festival here.

    Please note that places are strictly limited to 125 singers, so early booking is advised.