Read first-hand how Friends of the Vox is making a difference on a local, national and international stage, all through the power of choral music.


“I have had the opportunity to work with Dr James Meaders for the past year and have loved everything about it!

I was so grateful to have the opportunity to work with Vox Anima Chamber Choir, to hear their beautiful voices and even to have been able to collaborate with them in a concert at St Mary’s Church in West Malling. The concert was absolutely amazing and I got to sing a duet with one of their sopranos, Laura Fowler. I also enjoyed the conducting workshop that I participated in at St Mary’s with my fellow scholars! We learned about conducting theory, and then had the chance to put this into practice, conducting Vox Anima Chamber Choir!'“

Elizabeth K
Choral Scholar, West Malling Church

“It was such a joy to travel with Concentus Women’s Chorus in July, 2023, to perform with Vox Anima Chamber Choir. When we were first contacted by Vox Anima out of the blue, we weren’t sure what to expect, but when we ‘met’ the group over Zoom, we immediately bonded and became excited about creating a relationship and collaborating on a joint musical experience. Concentus had never travelled out of state together, let alone out of the country, so there were lots of logistics to attend to. Thankfully, Vox Anima handled all of the details for our time in Kent, from picking us up at various train stations, housing us, arranging meals, and transporting us all around. I was delighted to be welcomed by the parents of one of the singers, and wished that I had had more time to spend with them and their two adorable dogs. Our weekend in Kent was a whirlwind - first a “Church walk” with a third singing group, then lots of rehearsals, and finally our joint concert, which went much too quickly. It was exhilarating to sing with another group our size, and to feel the richness of the sound we created together. I wished that we had had more than one chance to perform the repertoire and to join in song with these amazing women. I look forward to Concentus hosting Vox Anima in Rochester (New York, not England...) and returning the hospitality, as well as recreating the magic of making music together. And I hope that my gracious hosts accompany their daughter and I get the opportunity to return the favor of hosting!”

Maggie Symington
Singer with Concentus Women’s Choir

“Rehearsing with Jamie is so much more than acquiring good vocal technique and learning stunning new music. It’s an adventure in discerning the composer’s intention and how we, as a group, work together to communicate that. It’s a truly collaborative effort; every one of us learns to listen intently, sing to the best of our ability and invest in working together to make music come alive for audiences.

Often punctuated with laughter, occasionally tears, rehearsals with Jamie have an intentionality and authenticity that is seldom encountered. It is an absolute privilege and joy to sing in his concerts - one emerges knowing that something special has happened - the whole experience has been so much greater than the sum of its parts.”

Becky Clifford
VACC Alumna & Friends of the Vox Trustee

‘I found Vox Populi through a joint concert with Invicta Grammar School, and after joining I've found that I fit in perfectly with everyone here. I feel both welcomed and appreciated, not to mention excited by the professional sound of this choir.'

Vox Populi

“Music is core to me - having sung in a choir from the age of 7, then taking a 25 year hiatus, returning to singing has restored a part of myself I had not realised how much I had been missing. Singing with other voices, blending, performing, brings a level of euphoria and mindfulness that very few things can match.”

James Daniels
Vox Populi

“Rehearsing under Jamie’s direction is an amazing week-by-week experience. It’s hard work made so enjoyable by a most passionate and spiritually motivated leader who is demanding but empowering. It is, therefore, demanding, varied, exciting, encouraging and emotive.”

Jim Brown
Vox Populi