Gift Aid
As a registered charity (1200317), Friends of the Vox can claim Gift Aid on your donations, including your support as a Friend. If you are a UK taxpayer, for every £1 you donate to Friends of the Vox we can claim an additional 25p from HMRC at no extra cost to you. So, for example, if you donate £100, this will be worth £125 to us.
To be eligible for Gift Aid donors must meet the following conditions:
1. Be a UK tax-payer
2. Have paid or will pay enough income tax or capital gains tax matching the amount of gift aid claimed within the tax year
We are unable to claim Gift Aid on donations made via a Trust/Foundation account or those giving as a Corporate Partner. If you are a higher rate tax-payer, you can claim the difference between basic and higher rate tax in your annual return.
To make your Gift Aid declaration or amend your current declaration with us, simply fill in the digital form below and one of our team will update your account to reflect your Gift Aid status.
For any questions, please get in touch with us via email at