Upper Voices Festival Concert

Welcome to the stunning setting of St Peter’s Church Eaton Square. Part of this evening’s concert performance is a culmination of the work of today’s inaugural Upper Voices Festival workshop.

Vox Anima Chamber Choir presents…

  • The lyrics are written by Maude Gordon-Roby from To Music.

    Fly back where Melodies like lilies grow,
    My weary heart is bending low;

    Fly higher yet to joyful realms above,
    Where holy Angels dwell in love.

    Fly higher still and hear the Angel throng
    And bring to me their Glory-song:

    Ah Music, thou and I above the World
    May dwell where heaven with shining song is pearled!

    While Sun and Moon and all the planets roll
    I’ll love thee, Music, language of my soul!

    Music-lark from on high, song that doth fly, Spark of the sky!

  • When birds begin to sing and winds are calm,
    When spring is here again then you will know, 
    When the earth begins to warm, you can grow. 

    Like a tree with branches budding,
    Like a flow’r in spring, 
    When I think of what we’ve seen and all we know,
    When I look at where we’ve been and where we’ll go,
    I know that spring will come again and we will know,
    When the earth begins to warm, you can grow. 

    Like a bird with wings unfolding, 
    Like a child with dreams beginning, 
    Like a tree with branches budding,
    Like a flow’r in spring, 
    You can grow.

  • Fair boy, your eyes, they haunt my soul
    As the moon haunts the night. 
    The stars all fall at the sound of your voice. 
    The mountains sigh at your sight. 

    No flame can rival the fire of my love
    No canyon was ever so deep. 
    My soul sings your song through endless night; 
    Your voice, it haunts my sleep. 

    No rose is so sweet, no meadow so fair,
    No star is more radiant above. 
    Until death lay me down beneath your shade,
    You always shall be my love. 

    Fair boy, your eyes, they haunt my soul: 
    A ghost that never shall part. 
    I wander in starlight, awaiting your call,
    O pulse of my heart. 

    (Fair boy, your eyes, they haunt my soul.)

    Is tu mo grha (I love you)
    A chuisle mo chroí (O pulse of my heart)

  • "Joy" by Jocelyn Hagen is a choral work that sets a text by Sara Teasdale. The text is a poem titled "Joy" by Sara Teasdale, which is in the public domain. Here are the lyrics to the poem:

    I am wild, I will sing to the trees,
    I will sing to the stars in the sky,
    I love, I am loved, he is mine,
    Now at last I can die!

    I am sandaled with wind and with flame,
    I have heart-fire and singing to give,
    I can tread on the grass or the stars, Now at last I can live!

  • Lyrics by Robyn Watson

    Once upon a non-fairy tale was a cocoa-hued tune in shades of blue
    good friends of she whose new business boomed brighter than the fireworks on Independence Day
    majority observes jealousy,
    inflaming the cycle of insanity

    with a shattered, furious, frustrated, fiery heart
    her rigid pen fought a mighty battle

    Lies activated
    Cops called
    innocence jailed

    business literally explodes
    then innocence is dragged out
    and turned into involuntary ornaments on the local tree.
    It's not even Christmas yet.
    She finds out shattered, furious, frustrated, fiery is her heart
    and now the rigid P.S.A.s begin.

    With a shattered furious, frustrated, fiery heart
    her rigid pen fought a mighty battle.

    She morphs into a knight
    her armor evolves
    with ev'ry word she types (with ev'ry word she types)

    "Southern Horrors" and "The Red Record" read like the scariest bulk of fiction
    and has an equal amount of bloodshed as the Civil War
    but they're frigid facts
    without a stain to be found.

    She shouted for humanity
    and scolded the lack of
    without a sound her verbiage stabbed

    Confederate flags
    Jim Crow
    white sheet
    masked men
    and leaders of the "free world"

    without a touch

    with a shattered, furious, frustrated, fiery heart
    her rigid pen fought a mighty battle

    without a touch.

  • Movement 1: Stabat Mater dolorosa

    Stabat Mater dolorosa
    juxta crucem lacrimosa,
    dum pendebat Filius. 

    Cujus animam gementem,
    contristatam et dolentem
    pertransivit gladius. 

    O quam tristis et afflicta
    fuit illa benedicta,
    Mater Unigenti! 

    Quæ mærebat et dolebat,
    et tremebat cum videbat
    nati pœnas inclyti.

    The sad mother was standing,
    weeping, next to the cross
    on which her son was hanging. 

    His groaning soul, 
    deeply saddened and aching,
    was pierced through by a sword. 

    O how sad and afflicted 
    was that blessed mother
    of the only-begotten son! 

    The kind aching mother was mourning
    and aching, when she beheld
    the pains of her renowned son. 

    Movement 2: Quis est homo

    Quis est homo qui non fleret,
    Matrem Christi si videret
    in tanto supplicio?

    Quis non posset contristari
    Christi Matrem contemplari
    dolentem cum Filio?

    Pro peccatis suǎ gentis
    vidit Jesum in tormetis,
    et flagellis subditum.

    Vidit suum dulcem natum
    moriendo desolatum
    dum emisit spiritum.

    Who is the man who would not cry
    at seeing the mother of Christ
    in such a great ordeal?

    Who could not be saddened deeply
    at gazing upon the mother of Christ,
    mourning with her son?

    For the sins of his people
    she saw Jesus in torment
    and subdued by scourges.

    She saw her sweet son
    desolate in dying,
    while he gave up his spirit.

    Movement 5: Sancta Mater

    Sancta Mater, istud agas,
    crucifixi fige plagas
    cordi meo valide.

    Tui nati vulnerati
    tam dignati pro me pati,
    pœnas mecum divide.

    Fac me vere tecum flere,
    crucifixo condolere,
    donec ego vixero.

    Juxta Crucem tecum stare,
    te libenter sociare
    in planctu desidero.

    Holy mother, may you grant this,
    firmly fix the stripes of the crucified
    onto my heart.

    Divide with me the pains
    of your wounded son
    who was so worthy to suffer for me.

    Make me gently to weep with you
    and to feel the pain of the crucified,
    until I will have lived.

    Let me stand with you next to the cross,
    and let me unite with you
    in your breast-beaten grief.

  • O Oriens, splendor lucis ætérnæ et sol iustitiæ: veni, et illúmina sedéntes in ténebris et umbra mortis.

    O Morning Star, splendour of light eternal and sun of righteousness: Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.

Upper Voices Festival Choir

  • By W. B. Yeats

    I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
    And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
    Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
    And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

    And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
    Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
    There midnight’s all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
    And evening full of the linnet’s wings.

    I will arise and go now, for always night and day
    I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
    While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
    I hear it in the deep heart’s core.

  • Text co-written by Tracy Wong & Cherie Chai

    My feet are rooted to the ground (la la li la lay)
    My voice is soaring in the skies (la la li la)
    I am tied to the past, beautifully tangled with you
    Hand in hand we look to the stars

    Here, take this gift
    It’s not mine to keep
    Here, take this gift
    Share it far so all may know
    Let our love for singing grow 

    We are branches
    Independent, intertwined
    We are sunlight
    Spreading warmth, dazzling bright 

    Here, take this gift
    It’s not mine to keep
    Here, take this gift
    Share it far so all may know
    Let our love for singing grow.

  • Words and music by Sarah Quartel

    Your voice is like the breath of spring when first it wakes the flowers
    I blossom brightly as you sing, and flourish by your side.
    And in your singing I am found.

    Your voice is like a cherry tree in playful bloom beside me.
    I dance and flutter as you sing, and shine when you are near.
    And in your singing I am found.

    Your voice is like an ancient oak that stands in gentle strength.
    My roots run deeper as you sing.
    And in your singing I am found.
    You sing me safely home.

  • Arranged by Uwe Knorrn, translated Vanya Milanova

    Kakwa moma vidjach mamo
    Kakwa moma vidjach,
    Dolu naptschelina, mamo,
    Dolu naptschelina.

    Dolu, dolu, dolu, dolu,
    Dolu naptschelina,
    Hei, dolu, dolu, dolu,
    Dolu naptschelia.

    Tscherni otschi ima mamo,
    Tscherni otschi ima,
    Kato dwe tschereschi, mamo,
    Kato dwe tschereschi

    Dolu, dolu…

    Bjalolitse ima mamo,
    Bjalolitse ima,
    Kato bjal trandafil, mamo,
    Kato bjal trandafil.

    Idi ja po iskai, mamo
    Idi ja po iskai,
    Dano mi ia dadat mamo,
    Dano mi ia dadat.

    Dolu, dolu…

    What a maiden I saw, mother,
    What a maiden.
    Down below at the beehive, mother,
    Down below at the beehive.

    Down below, down below
    Down below at the beehive,
    Hey, down below,
    Down below at the beehive,

    Black eyes she has, mother,
    Black eyes she has,
    Like two cherries, mother,
    Like two cherries.

    Down below, down below…

    White face she has, mother
    White face,
    Like a white rose, mother,
    Like a white rose.

    Go and ask her hand, mother,
    Go and ask for her hand (in marriage),
    Hope they will give her, mother,
    Hope they will…

    Down below, down below…

  • O my deir heart, young Jesus sweet,
    Prepare Thy cradle in my spreit;
    And I sall rock Thee in my heart,
    And never more from Thee depart.

    But I sall praise Thee ever moir
    With songes sweet unto Thy gloir;
    The knees of my heart sall I bow,
    And sing that richt Balulalow!